Bioidentical hormones have molecular structures that are identical to hormones naturally produced by the human body and are intended to replace those hormones when their levels decline due to aging, disease, or surgery. Bioidentical hormones are prepared at Folsom Medical Pharmacy pursuant to a prescription from your physician.
- Your prescription is formulated in our pharmacy laboratory according to your physician’s specifications. Each medication is personalized for every patient, depending on their unique body requirements.
Synthetic non-bioidentical hormones have similar but not identical structures, so they are not "the perfect fit" for hormone replacement. There are significant differences between hormones natural to humans (bioidentical) and synthetic (non-bioidentical) preparations. The structure of the hormone is the key, not the source.
Goals of Bioidentical HRT: Alleviate symptoms or related disease caused by the natural decline of hormonal production by the body. Give the protecting benefits that natural occurring hormones originally provided. Re-establish hormonal balance.
Synthetic Hormones
- Not identical Structures
- Chemically altered
- Synthetic or alternative sources
- Used to "replaced" hormone
Bio-Identical Hormones
- Identical Structures to what the body produces
- NOT chemically altered
- Derived from plant sources
- Designed for body to naturally create hormones
THE CLICK to optimal health!
Not sure if you have a deficiency? Take our quick hormone imbalance questionnaire and learn more about the possible symptoms of a hormone imbalance, after which you can follow up by learning more about testing options or making an appointment with a provider.